doctor handwriting paracetamol
Not only can common medicines such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen confuse but even everyday items such as deodorant can have you second-guessing your spelling. Bad handwriting is an outcome of repeatedly writing the same handful drugs in a prescription. Paperazzi Magazine S Instagram Photo This Cracked Us Up Via S4ltafa Paperazzi Lifestyle Picture Instagram Sayings Some mistakes are so common most of us may not even know theyre being spelt wrong with some medical names being spelt wrong more times than theyre spelt right. . In the US illegible handwriting has been indirectly responsible for at least 7000 deaths annually. Generic drug names do not need a capital letter aspirin metformin metoprolol diazepam fluconazole 2. Theyve been sent to the pharmacy electronically for a number of years now. No you can get Tylenolacetaminophen american brand name and generic name for paracetamol basically anywhere unless insurance is invol...